Sunday, December 24, 2006

Surprise meeting with satsified customer

Summer seems a long way distant as we get ready to celebrate Jesus' birth again. However memories are strong in those that were affected by thw work of Extreme Rebuild in th Summer. Paul Drage of Southchurch writes about a surprise meeting with satsified customer, be encouraged...

I was just finishing my shopping in Sainsburys when I noticed a boy waving at me,I was thinking what to buy and then suddenly noticed he was still trying to get my attention. I didn't recongise him as a relation or a BB boy, then the penny dropped, Woodgrange Estate and the name process in my head started, I tried one name and it was correct, his mother smiled as we spoke, she seemed so pleased to meet someone of the team who had made her son happy during the summer holidays, she thanked me, I expressed my thoughts we may be back but then the boy started recalling his joyful memories of scoring the vital hit in a game.Seeing him again was worth it and the joy which the team led by Ros and Sonia created and the lasting happymemories in the children's minds. The final thought can be summed up in an old hymn To God be the Glory...
Paul D

Happy Christmas - God Bless

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Prayer @ SHSB Friday 8th December

be at Southend High School for Boys

Friday 8th Dec

7.30 - 9.30

Live worship,

DJ SqueekyClean,

prayer for this and other local secondary schools, and the young people of our town


Saturday, November 25, 2006

Youth prayer night - 8 December 2006 SHSB

Hi all
Please come and support the next school prayer night   with your youth obviously! - at
Southend High School for Boys
Friday 8th December
7.30 start - 9.30
worship, prayer and a bit of socialising!

(Please note, this is not just for people who go to Southend High for Boys, it's to pray in that school, for that school AND lots of other local schools and issues dealing with our young people.)
Please pass this round as widely as you wish - thank you!
Jacky Rossi  xxx

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Keepy Uppy Champion Gets More than He Expected Outside TALK Nightclub

Dan Magness expected to hear about Jesus at his local church.

He would even have settled for a weekend seminar on the Bible or how to pray.

Instead, Dan – the UK football freestyle champion – discovered Jesus at 3am outside a Southend nightclub.

He says: “I was in Southend with a couple of mates and must confess I was full of another kind of spirit.

“We saw some street pastors talking to clubbers and I thought to myself ‘I want to go talk to them.’

“Minutes later, they were telling me about Jesus and I knew then as I stood on that drizzly pavement, that Jesus was my Lord.”


Dan, 23,  shot to fame earlier this year as the man who trained the World Cup stars to do spectacular tricks with a Pringle’s can in the hit TV commercial.

The ad, featuring big name such as Steven Gerrard and Roberto Carlos, delighted millions of viewers when it was shown between televised games.

Adds Dan: I spent three days with the players in London doing that commercial. It was great fun and they were marvellous to work with. I felt very humble that such great footballers praised my talent. They loved the tricks and asked me to give them a few tips. It made my day.”

Dan is also a familiar face at half-time at some of the biggest premiership clubs up and down the country where he performs his dazzling tricks which include balancing a bicycle on his head.


He won the UK football freestyle championship with an amazing variety of ball control skills – not least keeping a ball off the ground for a staggering thirteen and a half hours without a break.


But growing up as a football mad youngster in Guildford, Dan always felt something was missing in his life. None of his family were Christians and he’d only ever been inside a church for weddings and funerals.


He finally found the answer to what he was seeking when a Christian friend gave him a book about another award-winning sports star to read.

“The book was Taming the Tiger by Tony Anthony,” he explains.

“Tony is a former three times World Kung Fu champion who killed people and finally came to Jesus while in prison in Cyprus. I’ve never been a big reader but I read Taming the Tiger in a weekend. It really touched my soul.”

Unknown to Dan, Tony Anthony is based in Southend – the very town where he and his friends chose to go clubbing a week after he finished reading Taming the Tiger.

“God has perfect timing,” laughs Dan.

“When I went up to the street pastors I told them I’d just finished Tony Anthony’s book. They said they knew him, in fact they shared a house. I couldn’t believe it. Tony’s book had started me thinking about Jesus and a week later, here I was talking to guys who knew him personally.”

Less than a year after becoming a Christian, Dan says his life has changed dramatically: “I don’t drink anymore or smoke and above all, I have a prayer life.

“I also have a joy in me that is difficult to explain. I used to be bad tempered and impatient but now I control both.

“God has given me a talent and I want to use it to praise His name. I don’t go out Bible bashing but it’s amazing how often I get to talk about Jesus to perfect strangers who come to watch one of my demonstrations.

“I’ve also spoken to a lot of Christian footballers who give a great witness by the way they play the game and things like tithing.”


Although Dan had a youth contract with Wimbledon, he has never really wanted to play professionally himself, although he is a big Liverpool fan and hopes the club can repeat its European success again this season.

While some football writers might claim that is a tall order, Dan Magness  believes in miracles. As he says: “Amazing things happen when you least expect them – even in Southend.”


By James Hastings - Freelance Journalist


If any of the LRBC FC team want to read a copy of Taming The Tiger, let David Elcock know and we will get a copy. Tony Anthony is a member of Leigh Road Baptist Church

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Friday, October 06, 2006

L7Z at Radiate across the border

Are you 10 -14 years old? If you are why not check out and go along to our friends in Thundersley at Radiate. Check out their website at for more info. Saturday 14th October features LZ7 (Lindz West) all the way from Manchester. A former member of the Tribe. Not to be missed.

Keep checking back at for all the latest happenings and update with Love Southend Youth!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Southchurch Update 19 August

Sonya Low is one of our volunteers, at work every Tuesday & Thursday
afternoon, from 1-5.00pm. She's one such volunteer from a variety of
churches, involved with extreme:REBUILD at the Kursaal (or
Woodgrange) Estate. Here, she kindly gives us an update from last week:
We had the great fortune of being able to do three days work here this week. The youth club on the estate asked us to come and do something as one of their activities that had been planned was cancelled,so we worked on wednesday as well. There were fewer delegates as the yearly pull to soul survivour was great, however
this did nothing to alter the effect God had here this week.
We got to spend more time with specific children this week and help encourage them in their sports activities, one young boy in particular has become an enthusiastic player and now is eager to join in and try. In the begining he wouldn't participate as

We have noticed several them blossom over the last week or two in their abilities and confidence with us as they are encouraged by the delegates.

In your prayers this week could you please pray that they will begin to encourage each other more, we have noticed alot of abusive and derogatory talk and names etc if someone doesn't play so well, however we are praying that our example of love and encouragement will rub off as we all work together more.
One of the highlights for me this week was when we were litter picking one of the boys who was helping us called up to his dad in the block above where we were cleaning. "Look Dad I'm doing something good" His dad came out onto the balcony with his mum and they both stood and watched him working. Thank you God for that lovely moment
Please pray for our urban regeneration team. For more information,
please e-mail Rosalind Butterworth at or ring
Elizabeth Butterworth on 01702 333319.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Extreme REBUILD:: Half way through the summer

LOVE SOUTHEND Youth with extreme:REBUILD continue with their urban regeneration work, every Tuesday & Thursday from 1-5.00pm. Kursaal Estate is tha place, Godly passion is tha pace, as Christians from different churches clean up, fix up a dysfunctional estate - whilst playin' with kids an' buildin' relationships with adults.......adults? We NEED more adults to help. Will YOU help? If so, please contact Rosalind Butterworth at or ring Elizabeth Butterworth on 01702 333319.

Monday, July 24, 2006


Extreme Rebuild continues in Southchurch this Summer holiday. After the success of Summer '05 and Easter '07 and various dates in-between the Love Southend Youth Extremers are back.

Monday 24th July, 2006 (until Monday 30th October) Venue: Woodgrange Drive Estate

Throughout the summer the Woodgrange Drive Estate will play host to more eager volunteers in red. Each Tuesday and Thursday from the 24th July to the 1st September a team will be in the centre of the estate.

Do you have a couple of hours free this summer? Are you ready to make a difference?
Cost: £1.00 per session
For further information please contact Rosalind Butterworth on 01702 584986 or click here to email.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Friday, May 19, 2006

Extreme Prayer For Southend's Senior Schools Tour

So here is a date for your diary. The next Schools Prayer Night will be on the following date:

Friday 26th May,
7pm - 9.30pm

Belfairs Media Arts School
Highlands Boulevard
Leigh-on-Sea Essex

Why not come along and pray for this school and worship God together.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Friday, May 05, 2006

Help needed: Feature in Suzie's News

Those of you that came to SCF during the evenings of Extreme:REBUILD will kow there was a news slot that detailed the fun news and breaking stories of that day.

There is to be a feature length episode at Journey this Sunday 7 May at SCF, Southchurch Road, Southend at 8pm.

The news desk needs at Suzie's News needs your help. We are trying to find suitable reports or stories about the Love Southend week in order to fill our required time slot. There don't necessarily need to be funny, but if they are we're more likely to use it. Any videos or photos to back up your story would be ideal but again not necessary. If you would like to be video interviewed regarding the story then this can be arranged at some point before Sunday night.

Really this is just a update on what happen over the week and if anything has happened anytime afterwards.

Any help would be great as my ideas are limited and rubbish!! Let me know ASAP.

Robert Bailey
Editor & Co-Anchor Suzie's News

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

All sit down, sit down next to me

So here it is, for those that were at the last night on Maundy Thursday at SCF, it was just a big sit down. The Boys gave up defeating the Girls and most stuff and they joined together to create possibly the Southend World Record for sitting down with no chairs. Can you spot yourself? There were over 100 involved - EASY!

Southchurch: Caption competition

Photo 1 Photo 2

Here is a chance for you to put your wittiness to the test, the funniest caption for each photo will win a prize.

Just add your caption by clicking on the comment link on this post below. Don't forget to say which photo your - funny ha ha! - refers to. You will of course need to leave your email address if you are to win the prize so we can contact you.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Leigh: The Buzz Good Friday

The second BUZZ of the Extreme:REBUILD week. From 8pm to 10 pm tonight with free hot cross buns. Join the Leigh zoners and come and watch the BIG SCREEN cinema - Bruce Almighty. Games such as pool, darts, playstation and giant sports hall... you will find us at Belfairs Methodist Church, Eastwood Road North.... and don't forget your table tennis bat!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Southchurch: leave the dark side

Last night (Wednesday 12 April) saw Southchurch with even more caterpillars, a Shoebury invasion, great to see you lads, and many felt the force (of Jesus) and left the dark side - yay. This was followed by extreme:CLUBBING (for 18+)

Today(Thursday 13 April - last day - sigh! Fun day @ Whittingham (we were mobbed in Southchurch Park yesterday!)

Tonight the final boys v girls - can the girls maintain their supremacy? C'mon boys put your backs into it!

Jacky xxx

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Chairman of Love Southend speaks!

This is like Luke skywalker getting knowledge and encouragement from Yoda. Here speaks the Chair of our daddy organisation Love Southend (actually he is just like you and me really)

The Chairman wrote he:

'Just wanted to wish you all the best with the work you're doing this week from all the Love Southend team - showing God's love is about meeting people, spending time with them and showing we care - and its when we earn peoples respect it makes them far more interested in hearing the amazing news of the gospel. As we approach Good Friday, it's a time to remember what Jesus did for us, and challenge ourselves and others to listen to the incredible Easter message. All the best, and keep up the great work.'

Jonathan Ullmer - Chair, Love Southend

How to be a Christian

We are half way through the week and that means that it is Wednesday. In Leigh we will see the Leigh Extremers clearing a pond and painting a giant mural at Edwards Hall Primary School, Eastwood from 10am to 4pm. Also a the third day of a Holiday Bible Club at West Leigh Baptist Church - that is a storming success so far. Around 100 kids coming along every day. Wednesday nigh at Belfairs Methodist see the first BUZZ youth club of Easter, with big screen video and sports, and bread nad chips. Don't miss it from 7pm and agian on Good Friday.

More fun days in the Southchurch area and much more pampering for tired Mums in the holidays. A big shout out to the 9 delegates from Southend High School for Girls.

Shoebury continues working it's Cafe hang out and painting playgrounds in the Saxon Estate - with loads of fantastic delegates form Shoebury High School.

It's great to be involved in God's big adventure. So how to be a Christian? Here is one take? Want to know more? Ask a delegate.

Southchurch: arctic monkeys, interstellar catterpillars .....

Last night in Southchurch saw a kicking guest appearance from t't Arctic Monkeys, a giant incontinent caterpillar - are your jeans dry yet Greg?, and a cast of out-takes from The Comedians - hold on a moment while I glue my sides back together. Tonight we will be joined by the Shoebury Massive (and that's just Rich) so see you there!

Weather forecast for today - dry (ish) so c'mon the Reds!!

Jacky x

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Southchurch: Sad news

Well unfortunately yesterday saw the demise of a much loved part of Love southend youth, the pregnant frog was found dead in Cluny Square hidden amongst the glass and dog droppings. On the plus side the day was really cool as did the second day at Belle Vue which saw EXTREME jenga (jenga where you cant use hands) this was a hoot to see the churchward twins using their feet to play jenga, what with their extreme poop scooping yesterday they are really taking it to the extreme!!!

What else can they do tomorrow to be extreme? See you there 7pm SCF, The Plaza Centre, Southchurch Road.

How to fold your T-Shirt

It has come to our attention that some of you are getting wrinkles and creases in your fantastic Extreme:REBUILD T-Shirts. We this is just not propper, or indeed right. So we have flown to Japan to ask the experts how to fold a t-shirt oragami style. So watch on, study, practice and apply this t-shirt folding method to stop those creases.

Southchurch: what else could you do with chopsticks?

See you tonight (11/04/06) for more fun, games, cocktails - bring your mates! Up to date news reports from around the Southchurch REBUILD - plus some mystery guests! So that's SCF, Plaza Centre, Soutchurch Road. 7pm 'til 10pm and every night throughout the week until Thursday.

On the matter of the chopsticks, if anyone can think of a more 'extreme' way to pick up 'stuff in parks' post it!!


Monday, April 10, 2006

Hundreds turn up to launch night

Hundreds of young people from local church youth groups turned up to the launch event for week 2 of Extreme:REBUILD last night (Sun' 09 April). Rousing worshp to our creator God was led by the Extreme in-house band. We saw Idy Samuels of World Harvest Church, Eastwood lead the delegates in prayer for our town and for the Extreme:REBUILD week.

Simon Ford formally of Network Youth spoke on 'What is our motivation?', he showed us a God of Love that sent his only Son to die on the cross so that we all may live. This was a challenge for all delagates to give rather than to receive. To base their week of serving the community in a place where they were not expectiong to get anything back - any rewards they then get would be a bonus.

The challenge was to go about the week passionately, full of enthusiasm and based in the Love of God and what He had sacrificed for them. Tough stuff when you're covered in muck and clearing out rubbish in the pouring rain!

Are you a delegate? What did you think of last nights talk? Let us know, post your comments by clicking the 'comment' link on this post below.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

This guy likes Bibles!

Those of you that were at Journey (a youth event that travels round different churches on the first Sunday of every month) at Leigh Road Baptist Church in March may have seen the guest appearance by WhiteBoyDJ. As a special treat for those of you that missed it, here it is again in an Extreme:REBUILD website exclusive! Pump up those speakers and enjoy!

Launch event Sunday 9 April 8pm see you there!

Don't forget the launch event for Week 2 of Extreme:REBUILD. It takes place this Sunday 9 April '06 at 8pm til 10pm Southend Christian Fellowship, Southchurch Road, Southchurch.

It is open to all youth groups, young people and leaders, even if you are not taking part in the week. So all come along and let's launch week 2 in style, with worship, prayer and inspirational talks from Simon Ford (formally of Network Youth, pictured above at the Urban Extreme Beach Bash '05) about our Awesome God - after all He's who these two weeks are all about!

See you there!

Report from Southend High School for Girls

Just had this report in from Roz Butterworth of Extreme: REBUILD Southchurch. She posted it in the blog to the right. Blogs of note will also feature here on the main site, so get telling us what's been happening in your area with Extreme: REBUILD. Great stuff Roz! Oh and don't forget you can leave comments on any particular post by clicking on 'comments' at the end of each post.

Liz wrote:
Just a quick report on week 1 at SHSG: the CU (particularly Rebecca Wilkinson, Helen Ahlquist, Caroline Challis and I) have been hosting sessions at lunchtimes to advertise Extreme Rebuild to get people signed up, with the help of Gavin Dixon (Kings Church, Hadleigh). We've got nine forms in so far and the possibility of at least one more on Sunday night. Pretty cool huh?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

What is extreme:REBUILD?

extreme:REBUILD is a week organised by Youth Leaders from different churches across the borough of Southend and is taking place over two weeks in the lead up to Easter 2006. The exact dates of Week 1 are 3rd April to 7th April and will take place in Southend High School for Girls and Shoebury High School. Week 2 is from 10th to 13th April and will be in many locations across Leigh, Southchurch and Shoeburyness.

Inspired by the events of Love Southend:Urban Extreme during the summer of 2005 (check out the photo gallery links to the right)that saw 4 area zones involved Urban Regeneration projects, kids clubs, clearing rubbish, special events, pamper parlours etc. Over 200 young people from across the churches and schools of the borough gave up a week of their summer holidays to take part and show God's love to their communities.

extreme:REBUILD will see more of the same during Easter 2006.