Monday, September 17, 2007

Slum Survivor at Southend Christian Fellowship

Hey Love Southend Youth,

October 26th - October 28th is going to be our Slum Survivor weekend ast Southend Christian Fellowship.

15 people (myself included) will be making and living in a slum in the Plaza Centre car park on Southchurch Road. The reason for this is to raise money and awareness about the 1 billion people worldwide who live in slums.

This post is being sent to see if you can help, there are FOUR ways to get involved:
  1. Be a part of the slum - come down and visit the volunteers, see what the conditions are like. Maybe you have some connections to the press you could pass details on to them or their details on to me.
  2. Pray - pray for the weekend, pray for protection and also for a heightened awareness.
  3. Give visit and donate as much as you can towards the cost. Every little helps.
  4. Finally if you are on facebook join and invite all your friends from facebook.

Lets work together to make a difference. Let me leave you with a word of scripture from 1 Peter 4 vv 8-11

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 9Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. 11If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

Del Thomas, SCF & Love Southend Youth Southchurch

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

An Extreme Summer of Tuesdays

NB: Click on the photos above to scroll through the slide show

Summer 2007 saw the Love Southend Youth team in Southc
hurch pioneer a new idea called Extreme Tuesdays. The plan was simple, to devote one day a week during the school holidays to bless the people of Southend.

Previously, LSY has invested in the St Lukes Ward, the Kursaal Estate (and nearby Southchurch Park), and the Newington Avenue area. We wanted to revisit as many of these areas as possible, to continue to develop good relationships with the churches and communities operating in those areas.

And so, a plan was formulated:

Tuesday 24th July Kursaal estate: games, activities, fun, acts of kindness
Tuesday 31st July
more of the same!
Tuesday 7th August
Community Beach Party
Monday 13th August Community Tea Party in St Edmund
s Community Centre
Tuesday 28th August Work parties and acts of kindness in St Luke
s ward.
Ongoing project painting, decorating and other jobs in a local nursery.

We had decided to dedicate the whole day to God, and so from 10am to 10pm volunteers from churches and youth groups across Southend were invited to come and spend the day together; worshipping, having fun, receiving Biblical encouragement, guidance and focus, eating and most importantly seeking to express and demonstrate Gods love to our local community.

We received a pretty decent response, with an average of 20ish young people attending each Tuesday. The idea was also that those who were away on holidays at various points would be able to attend at least one Extreme Tuesday.

Many good works were achieved by the team. The Tea Party was a massive success, our teenagers worked so hard and always with a smile. As a result, we have been asked to hold these Tea Parties more often and in other areas too.

The Beach Party was good fun, not as many children as we had hoped for wandered over to say hello and to get involves, but those who did have much fun with us. There is definitely scope for repeating the event, but maybe in a different area next time.

The Work Party in St Lukes ward found that many local residents were eager to put their efforts and endeavour to good use. To the extent that Love Southend Youth now has a database of local residents (mostly elderly or disabled) who have asked for assistance with every-day activities such as gardening, painting etc that they are simply unable to do by themselves.

Most importantly, those who volunteered were able to take something of Gods love and servant-heart into each area that they invested in. Whether at the nursery or on the beach, the teenagers of Love Southend Youth were able to show something of Gods love for their neighbours and community.

Well done guys, and massive thanks to all those involved.

Steve Dalley, on behalf of the Love Southend Youth planning team.