Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Southend youngsters gear up for an instant pantomime at Plaza Centre

CHURCH group Love Southend has staged its third annual "panto in a day" at the Plaza Centre.

Two days after Christmas Day at least 25 young people, from various local church and youth groups met at the centre in Southchurch Road.

When the doors opened at 9am all the performers were handed scripts and told to learn their parts immediately.

Organiser Steve Dalley said: "Everybody had a lot of laughs and a lot of fun and when the curtains opened at 8pm more than 200 people paid £3 to watch the show."

To stage the show, Cinderella, the performers needed a "volunteer army" of teenagers to build a set, design props, stitch together costumes and practise extra material for the climax of the show.

There was even a band of musicians who ignored the noise around them and practised some improvised tunes to be included in the drama.

Mr Dalley said all the money raised will fund the work Love Southend Youth does in the borough.

He added: "I particularly want to thank Jill Simmonds, Sharon Melville and Jacki Rossi for all their work on the day."

Article and photo suppied by Evening Echo

Monday, December 01, 2008

Love Southend Youth Aim To Perform Third 'Panto in a Day!'

“Panto in a Day”, in association with Love Southend Youth, presents: “Cinderella”!

The third annual “Panto in a Day” takes place on Saturday 27th December, with the performance of “Cinderella”.

In previous years, teenagers from Love Southend Youth have performed 2 spectacular pantomime performances; “Snow White and the 7 chavs” and “Aladdin”.

This year, the regular crew of actors and actresses, musicians, dancer and stage-hands will turn their attention to the panto classic, “Cinderella!

The young people, from various local church and youth groups, as well as university students, will gather together on Saturday morning at the Plaza Centre, Southchurch, where they will be allocated their parts from a pre-written script. The actors and actresses will begin learning their lines that morning, as a volunteer army of teenagers begin to construct a set, design props, put together costumes, and practice extra material to be included into the end performance. A band of musicians will also begin practicing some improvised tunes to complement the drama.

The day is crazy and a little manic, but is always much fun, and it culminates in the evening’s public performance, in front of a packed crowd of adults and children.

The performance starts at 8pm sharp and tickets can be purchased from the Plaza Centre at a cost of £3 each. All proceeds go towards the work of Love Southend Youth in the borough.

So come along a witness a fantastic panto performance, all for a good cause.

It’s guaranteed to be a great, fun-filled night for all the family (“Oh no it isn’t”…..”oh yes it is”)

For tickets call the number below.

Contact: Steve Dalley or Jenny Martin
Telephone: 01702 461616

Friday, November 21, 2008

Route One Bus: November 08 Update

The Bus outside

You may already be aware that the exterior facelift of the bus is now complete and looking fantastic. This wasn’t just a lick of paint or a cover up job but a complete overhaul of the bodywork to the highest standard by the same people who do allot of the formula 1 transporters and who are doing the buses for the 2012 Olympics. The whole of the bus has also had a vinyl wrap applied which really makes it stand out.


The Bus inside

The bus interior is now top off the "to do" list and Jon Stuart and Simon have already made a good start on the refit. We have made good progress on remodeling the rear of the downstairs to create the Jesus Zone which is a seated area. We have also ripped out some other parts of the old layout to maximise space in view of being able to accommodate a class of 32 students + Teacher and R1 tour guides.  Mark Chadwick and Simon spent a day scraping the floor of the upstairs which was hard work but necessary before laying any new flooring.  We have also had an electrician look over the bus and he will be rewiring it in the next few weeks.


The Exhibition

We were expecting to take delivery of the Life Zone boards before the information evening last month but due to an error on the address label- they arrived the day after (how frustrating). However, they are looking brilliant (a round of applause please for Sam who designed them). Sam has now almost completed the Bible Zone and the Jesus Zone is also underway.


The Finances

We have been blessed to be able to complete the exterior of the bus and are currently raising the money to complete the interior and the exhibition. Please pray with faith for release of the money to get this resource operational. From an earthly perspective we will run out of money very soon but we are believing and praying for another miracle to happen.

It’s essential for us to keep our focus on Jesus and the commission he has given us. This is an exciting journey to travel learning not to worry but to trust him.  Please join with us in praying for these things and pray that we would be obedient to the voice of God.


If you are keen to get involved with the refit of the bus then please contact us. Even if you don’t have any professional skills to offer there are ways you can help.


To see photos of the bus, the interior refit and the exhibition go to the Route One Facebook.


Thank you for your prayers and support.

Simon Ford   
07534 904488

Monday, November 17, 2008

Come and see The Miracle Mysteries Play

The Miracle Mysteries
Sunday 30th November, 2008
15:00 - 17:30
Cost: Free
Venue: Leigh Road Baptist Church, Marguerite Drive, Leigh, SS9 1NN

A non-stop, action-packed, fun-filled, family-friendly trip through a fantastic adventure book! Well known stories as you've never seen them before! The Reduced Shakespeare Company… meets Monty Python…meets… the Bible!

For further information please contact Ruth Rotherham on 01702 478698 or
click here to email.

Other information about this event:

LRBC & Rhema Theatre Company present...

The Miracle Mysteries a feel-good entertainment for all the family! Featuring the stories of Creation, Abraham, Moses, Peter and St. Paul, The Miracle Mysteries is an action-packed trip through the Bible from the beginning of the world to the beginning of the church!

"I was speechless at the end of the show! Words cannot describe the magnificent performance that we witnessed today. We were blown away and loved every second! The children were all gripped from beginning to end. Thankyou so much for a wonderful show!- From raising the roof to hearing a pin drop!”
Kate Breakwell, St. Matthews CE (aided) Primary School, Teleford.

“Absolutely fantastic… we loved every minute of it”
Styal Primary School

“Excellent… a delight to watch so many children spellbound!”
Bollinbrook C.E. Primary School

"Zinging, bright, fast-moving and fun! Family fun with
depth to suit all ages! ...Children watched transfixed...”

The Scotsman, Readers Review, Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2007

Click here to visit this related website

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Great News!
The Route One bus is now looking mighty fine and ready to enter the next phase of the refit.

The vinyl wrap was applied to the bus in an air controlled room/oven to keep it at the idea temperature. The design took two days to apply and was completed at 6.30pm on Tuesday 23rd.

Photos will be posted on the Route One Facebook ASAP but there are 2 opportunities to get a proper look at the bus in the next few weeks-
Route One information evenings:
20th October @ The Plaza, Southchurch rd
7.30pm to view the bus- meeting starts at 8.00pm
And another
11th November Venue TBC
7.30pm to view the bus- meeting starts at 8.00pm


These are not just opportunities to see the bus but to also catch the vision of the project. We will be explaining how each of the four zones of the exhibition work and showing some of the display boards and other interactive content. You will also see how the bus will be used and how you can partner with us in communicating the message of Jesus


Please get these information evenings advertised in your church notice sheet and feel free to forward this information to anyone you feel needs to hear about what is happening.

More info?
Simon Ford   
07534 904488

Friday, September 05, 2008

LSY: Prayer for schools night

On Friday 19th September Love Southend Youth are holding a town-wide prayer event focused on worship and praying for local schools; for those who study and work in school across Southend.

We have wanted to do this for some time, and in view of time commitments and the fact that many students will soon be returning to universities all over the country, we have combined this event with the monthly TRANSFORMATIONS PRAYER evening.

So basically, we are looking at a cross-generational, cross-denominational youth-led prayer and worship evening where we focus on praying for more of Gods love, presence and power in our schools.

Who wouldn’t want to come and be a part of it?

It really is a case of the more the merrier, particularly if you work or study in a local school!

7.30pm start @ the Plaza Centre, home of Southend Christian Fellowship (Southchurch Road).

Hope to see you there.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Route One Bus Project: Update July 08

What is the Route One?
Route One is an initiative based in the South East Essex. It aims to help equip churches to communicate the message of Jesus clearly and creatively.

To do this we have developed a mobile interactive exhibition onboard a double-decker bus. The resource is designed to help people explore the significance of Jesus and his message. It can be used to deliver lessons in schools or for outreach in town centres and communities.

Here is a brief update on the project:

The Bus
Gavin Dixon of King's Church, Southend and Simon Ford, Project Coordinator travelled up to Suffolk this week to check on the progress of the bus. We were very pleased with how things are going (See photos). If you have been following on the Route One facebook you will realise how much needed doing as parts of the exterior of the bus needed replacing this is much more than a re-spray.

However, the bus is now ready for the final spray which will take place next week and will include the whole thing being baked in an oven to seal the paint on to the highest standard (YES they have ovens that big).

After this the vinyl wrap will be applied which will make the whole thing look stunning.

The Exhibition
Sam Nudds is hard at work designing the exhibition and we took the opportunity last weekend to try some of the boards out on the general public at the Rayleigh Churches fun day. This enabled us to get feedback and make some adjustments to the display before the final printing.

The Team
We have begun building the project team which will be responsible for the running of Route One. This is of course a gradual process but we already have people offering their time and skills to see this vision become a reality. Could you help out in some way? Please get in contact.

The Next phase
We are in need of a further £10,000 to complete the setting up of the project and we estimate our yearly running costs at around £35,000. The bus will soon be back in South East Essex enabling the start of the internal refit.

We will be holding a meeting after the summer (date and venue tbc) as we are keen for people to see the resource and to catch the vision of the project which is:
To equip the church to communicate the message of Jesus clearly and creatively.

  1. For the final stages of the external work to go smoothly
  2. For Sam to find the time in his busy schedule to complete the exhibition
  3. For the project team to be established with the right people in place
  4. For blessing to continue to flow and grow in the area of finance

Thanks for your support and prayers

Route One
Simon Ford
07534 904488

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Route One update June 08

Things are really starting to happen now which is all very exciting.

The sponsored cycle went really well with the weather being set to perfection and the all aspects of the ride going smoothly. Everyone enjoyed themselves some so much they decided to ride home afterwards making the distance they rode around 23 miles. We are still waiting for all the money to come in and will let you know the final figure raised in next months update.

The bus is now in Suffolk undergoing an external face lift. This involves steam cleaning, panel replacements and other bodywork processes, spraying and baking. Once this is all completed the bus will look all white and shiny.

If you are on Facebook you can become a friend of Route One/Si Ford and see photos of the bus as it changes. If you are not on Facebook why not join and get connected.

The designers are busy finalising the external vinyl wrap design and the exhibition design. I’d say we have completed about 35% of the exhibition and are aiming to complete and send the exhibition to print by the end of the summer. The interior of the bus has been gutted and the internal refit will begin as soon as we get the bus back down from Suffolk.

Please pray for:
  • No hold ups or complications in the external refit.
  • We are starting to put a project team together.
  • Please pray for the right people to come forward to resource this project to see it become everything God wants it to be.

Thanks for your prayers
Simon Ford
Route One

07534 904488

Friday, May 30, 2008

Thundersley: Radiate with Manchester's LZ7

Dear Friends
Just a small reminder that our monthly youth event 'Radiate' is on next Saturday. We would like to extend invitations out to other youth groups due to the nature of this coming Radiate. We have managed to book the band LZ7, who are part of the Message Trust in Manchester they often play at festivals including Soul Survivor and are very evangelistic in style and have a high level of professionalism. To see these guys live you could pay anything up to £12.00. You and your youth group can come and see them as part of Radiate for only £2.50! Not only will LZ7 be performing a one hour long set but you can also enjoy all the other radiate goings on.
Radiate Saturday Night Live
7th June 7:15pm - 10:00pm
LZ7 Live in Concert, Bouncy Castle, Pole Joust, Sumo Suits, Face Painting, BBQ, Football Competition, PS3, Wii on the Giant screen, plus The Pad the boys chill out room and The Salon a room for the girls including hair braiding, nail painting etc. Also Cafeanation, Tuck Shop, Pool, PS2 Zone and loads more!
If you would like flyers sent to you please let me know however more information is available through the website
Please Note - Radiate is for those in school years 5 through to 8.
As part of the evening a Gospel message and appeal will be given, if you bring any youth that respond they will be sent the usual Radiate things and we will do our best to let you know, we don't want to steal  kids into our church or events but see them enter the Kingdom!
Hope to see you next week, any questions please let me know
Richard Keeler
Office - 01268 754731

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Route One Update: Spay it again Sam!

Just a quick update on the Route One project:

We have been busy ripping the old interior out of the bus.

The bus goes for the re-spray next week.

The sponsored cycle ride is happening on Monday with over 25 participants cycling from Rayleigh to Shoebury.

We are beginning to build up regular giving for the project more info to follow.

Have just received a one off gift of £2500 towards running the project *PRAISE GOD*

Please pray for-

The cycle ride to go well
We will be taking the bus up to
Suffolk for the respray
We still need more funds to set up the project + for regular givers to come forward over the next few months for ongoing funding.

Thanks for your prayers and support

Route One

Simon Ford   
07896 326116

Monday, April 28, 2008

"Out of the Box" Goes West...

Love Southend Youths monthly Out of the Box meeting goes west this Sunday 4th May to a new venue, Westcliff Free Church.

We are delighted to be able to enjoy a new venue for May, then will be returning to the usual home at Christchurch for 1st June.

It would be great if you could bring your youth group and/or 18s-30s along to join us for worship, prayer, and a short talk. This month we will also be enjoying some dance and drama!

The meeting takes place at Westcliff Free Church, London Road, Westcliff (opposite the BP garage) and starts from 7.45pm.

For more details please contact Jill or Suzie Simmonds on 01702 313140 or 07725 197220

Particularly if you would like to host a future Out of the Box meeting in your building.

God bless you all, and thanks for the continued support and encouragement.

Steve Dalley
Southend Christian Fellowship
Love Southend Youth

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Prayer Event For Southend Street Pastor's

Southend Street Pastors have been faithfully going out on the Streets each weekend for almost three years now. They have successfully supported the launch of Street Pastors in other locations around the country but sadly last weekend they were unable to send out a team due to staff shortages on the Street Pastors team in Southend.

So you are invited to come to an urgent gathering to seek God for his favour on the Street Pastors of Southend and to cry out and ask that God would provide new volunteers to join the Street Pastor Team.

Do join us for Prayer For Southend Street Pastor's
Clarence Road Baptist Church
6 Clarence Road,Southend-on-Sea
Essex SS1 1AN
on Friday 2nd May 2008 at 8pm


Other information about this event:
We will pray for the Street Pastor Team before they go out for the night.

We would be delighted if you were able to be with us on the evening and would kindly ask you to publicise it in your local church.

If you aren't able to come we would value your prayers and any insight that the Lord may reveal to you.

Thank you for your prayerful support.

We realise that some of you live in other continents and won't be able to be with us, but would really value your prayers.

Travelling to Clarence Road by car.
Clarence Road is a one way road running from Clifftown Road (north) to Alexandra Street (south). Shortly after passing the Church on the right the Clarence Road (Southend Borough Council) car park can be seen. All adjoining streets have pay & display roadside parking.

Travelling by train
Connecting Southend to London Fenchurch Street the Central Station entrance is located in Clifftown Road adjacent to Clarence Road.

Southend's other railway station - Southend Victoria on the Liverpool Street line is situated at the north end of the High Street close to the Victoria Plaza Shopping Centre and the Odeon cinema complex and is approx a 7 min walk away.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Route One: Sponsored Cycle

Route One sponsored cycle - sign up now!
We would love more people to join in. The ride is from Rayleigh to Shoebury covering a distance of around 11 miles.

It will be great fun especially if you can get a group of friends to ride together. We do need some more adults/over 16s to ride but anyone over the age of 11 can join in as long as you are a competent rider. Please see poster above (click on it to see it bigger) and ask a friend if they want to join in.

For more info or to sign up to ride please send Simon an email –

Route One
Simon Ford
07896 326116 - visit this site for info on what Route One is.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Southchurch: Update Day 2 Tuesday Extreme Hope

So today was April Fools Day and fortunately everyone was so focussed on God that no one pulled any pranks - either that or they were all too shattered.
The morning started off with worship led by Tim Churchward with his unusual hair. He talked about our identity and our hope in Jesus, quoting lots of chunks out of his dad's sermon from Sunday so brownie points to him!

We then had a kid's club where there were about 60 kids and 30 or 40 adults on top of that.
The theme for the afternoon was Noah's Ark and they made masks, collages, colouring in, pictures of animals and iced biscuits. The mums were treated to a bit of pampering and a bit of 'them' time too. We also had football over the park which had to be 15 a side. A good time was had by all.

The evening was back to SCF for grub and games in the evening including a huge game of empires which was won by Rachel Macclean.

Southchurch: Extreme Hope Update Monday 31st March

Today kicked off the start of extreme Hope 2008. It all started in the morning with some worship and the giving out of bright yellow t-shirts - you certainly wont miss us this week!!!! Steve also gave a talk on Hope and what Hope means. He told us we can put our Hope in Jesus - the author an perfector of our Faith.

In the afternoon it was the fun day and this involved the police, bouncy castles,  face painting, water catapaults, ducks, football, frisbees and some very messy games involving eggs, wotsits, pegs and shaving foam!
The local children really enjoyed getting me as their teacher with the shaving foam!!! It was a good day and God ensured the weather was nice. We are back there tomorrow (Tuesday 1 April) to host football, pampering for parents, and craft clubs for the children.
In the evening we had a quiz and that was good fun. Did you know charlie chaplin once came third in a charlie chaplin lookalike contest?
Why not sign up to Extreme Hope08 Southchurch facebook group whose link is:
Cheers, Del T

Friday, March 28, 2008

Shoeburyness & Thorpe Bay: Extreme Hope Easter Activities

To see these details bigger just click on any of the images.

SOUTCHURCH: Next week 'Extreme Hope in Southchurch', let's get ready to rumble...

Just an ultra last-minute reminder that next week (Monday 31st March to Friday 4th April) is the Extreme Hope in Southchurch week of community action.

Should you bump into anyone this weekend who has not yet registered for activities, please let them know what we are doing and where!

Every morning we meet at 10.30 - venues below.
Every day you'll need to sort your own lunch, but evening meal is provided.
Every evening we are eating at Plaza at about 6, apart from Weds when we will eat at Holy Trinity
Every evening we will finish at The Plaza Centre at 9.30.

Monday - meet at Whittingham Methodist Church 10.30 - t-shirts given out
Activity - Fun day in park opposite - it may be cold so bring appropriate clothes
Evening - quiz night

Tuesday - meet
Whittingham Methodist Church
Activity - craft club and footie - with maybe litter picking and a few odd jobs depending on numbers of people
Evening - club night

Wednesday - meet
Whittingham Methodist Church
Activity - craft club and footie - with maybe litter picking and a few odd jobs depending on numbers of people
Evening - film night

Thursday - meet at St. Luke’s Church St Luke’s Rd, off
Bournemouth Park Road
We are doing tea party for the elderly @ St Edmund’s Community Centre.

Evening - barbecue

Friday - meet at
Ferndale Baptist Church in North Avenue - we are doing a work party in Cluny Square area - all messy jobs, some may be indoors but probably most out of doors.
evening - Crystal Maze

That's the week, and then don't forget the BIG PARTY on April 11th - at The Plaza - bring your mates - it's all free.

So now you all know, please also PRAY FOR US during the week. Your prayers for good weather, protection for the delegates, favour in the community, and opportunities to bless, serve and love local residents would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks so much guys and God bless you all

Steve D
on behalf of the
Love Southend Youth in Southchurch team

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Music Through The Ages Night

SCF MISSIONS proudly presents:

The Third Annual

Music Through The Ages Night

This year bigger and better than ever!

Professional Pianist LORNA STEVENS will be joining the regular bunch of young, talented singers and musicians. Featuring well-known tunes from classical composers and popular songs from the famous musicals.


Snacks provided but please bring own drinks.

All profits raised will be used to purchase building materials for the ongoing construction of a new church and community building in Kingisepp, Russia.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Radiate Saturday Night Live

Why not bring your mates and youth group to:
Radiate Saturday Night Live
Saturday 8th March, 2008
19:15 - 22:00
Venue: Thundersley Congregational Church, Kiln Road, Thundersley
A monthly youth event for those in school years 5 - 8.
Full of loads of things to do, including girls room and boys room.
Cost: £2.50
For further information please contact Richard Keeler on 01268 754731 or email

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Extreme Hope 08 Southchurch: Get your youth group involved

Dear Church/Youth leader,


I am contacting you with regard to Love Southend Youth’s (LSY) activities in Southchurch over the period of the Easter school holidays (Monday 31st March to Friday 11th April).


The LSY planning team are currently preparing our community work for the holiday period, and we would like to invite you and your youth group to get involved. Working together we can achieve significantly more than if we work on our own.


In the past 3 years Love Southend Youth have held several community-based projects and events in the Southchurch area during school holidays. Some of you may have heard of (or been involved with) projects such as Urban Extreme, Extreme Rebuild, Extreme United and Extreme Tuesdays. Together we have successfully hosted community fun days in local parks, street clean-ups, kids clubs, worship/gospel meetings, a beach party, a tea party for elderly residents, and more.


Our latest project, which is still in the planning stages, is being called “Extreme Hope”, to reflect the work of Hope 08 locally. Events are also being held under the same title in Shoebury.


I would love to see the various denominational groups across Southchurch coming together to bless and serve this area over the school holidays. We all know that our neighbourhood is one of significant social and economic need, and that we, as Jesus’ church on the scene, are called to love our neighbours.


Below is a plan of the events we will be hosting over the Easter Holidays; with more volunteers committed to the cause we would be able to look to arrange events for the second week of the holidays too.             


·        Monday 31st March – Community Fun-day in Bournes Green.

·        Tuesday 1st April – Indoor crafts, games, pampering at Whittingham Methodist.

Outdoor football tournament and other sports at Bournes Green.

·        Wednesday 2nd April – as above.

·        Thursday 3rd April – Community Tea Party in St Edmund’s Community Centre (TBC).

·        Friday 4th April – Work Party and Acts of Kindness in the St Luke’s area.

·        Friday 11th April – Evening event with DJ Squeaky Clean & Resolute @ Plaza Centre.


We currently have a relatively small group of enthusiastic volunteers from a small number of Southchurch-based church and youth groups. We would love to see this group extended and involving other local church and youth groups. Would you and your youth be interested in helping us to serve, bless and love our local residents by joining up for some or all of these events? If so, please contact me (Steve Dalley) on the following:


Land line:     01702 461616 (SCF Plaza Centre – daytime).

Mobile:         07948 271383 (call any time!)

E-mail: (I check this regularly!)


Also, are there areas of your church’s outreach and community work where you are struggling for volunteers? Do you have plans/vision but lack helpers? If so, feel free to get in contact with me and it may be that Love Southend Youth could support you for a period to assist your on-going work in the community.


I would love to hear from you so please get in touch. It would be great just to spend some time getting to know you and finding out what God is doing in your church/youth group at the moment.


God bless.


Steve Dalley,

Love Southend Youth (Southchurch Planning Team)

Southend Christian Fellowship

Friday, February 08, 2008

Tough Talk - Saturday 23rd Feb 2008.

Wakering Awakening are holding an event calledTough Talk on 23rd Feb, 8pm starts. Entry is free and it is particularly aimed for teenagers/young adults.
The venue is The Memorial Hall, Great Wakering.
8pm start.

More info at or call 07906 477146

Tough Talk is a registered charity dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in an informal way that appeals to people who would not normally go to a church meeting.

Tough Talk is made up of a group of men with backgrounds of ex-hard men from the East End of London, ex-bouncers, ex- debt collectors,ex-drug abusers and ex-violent men who, having let God into their lives, have turned their backs on their past. They now feel an urgent need to share their experiences with the hope of helping others. They have found that the message of hope in Jesus Christ reaches people from all backgrounds and age groups.

Powerlifting is the sport that they are all involved in. The team travel throughout the UK, Europe and worldwide performing powerlifting demonstrations as a backdrop to telling their amazing stories. In this way, the Christian faith is presented to people who would not otherwise come into contact with the Word of God.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Join us as we take a LEAP OF FAITH...

Many of you will be familiar with the work of HARP (Homeless Action Resource Project) in Southend. For those of you who dont, please check out

HARP do great work locally in supporting and caring for the homeless in Southend. However, this work can only be carried out by way of Local Government funding and the generous donations made by HARPs supporters. HARP is currently threatened by the imminent prospect of funding cut-backs, combined with a general fall in the amount being given by local residents who support the work of HARP by making donations.

Love Southend Youth are, therefore, taking a small step to raise finances and awareness amongst the public to aid HARP in whatever ways we can.

On 29th February 2008, the eve of the Leap Year, a small group of Love Southend Youth supporters will be sleeping out rough in the car park of the Plaza Centre, Southchurch, to spend just one night the way that many across Southend are forced to spend days, weeks, months and even years.

We will be foregoing our evening meal on the Friday night, and congregating around a large open fire in an old oil drum to keep warm. We will spend the night worshipping the God of the broken, poor, and hopeless and praying for the homeless of Southend.

On the Saturday morning (1st March) we are hoping to hold a fund-raising fry-up where all profits will be given to Harp.


1-      Consider holding a similar event in your church/youth group.
2-      Come and join us for the night in the car-park.
3-      Make a donation to HARP, and encourage others to do the same.
4-      Sacrifice your evening meal on Friday 29th Feb and donate the money you would have spent on food to HARP.
5-      Pray for HARP, that God would release finances and bless those who serve the homeless.
6-      Join us for the fund-raising fry-up (I will confirm this event nearer the time!)

Your support would be much appreciated.

God bless,

Steve Dalley,
Love Southend Youth,
Southend Christian Fellowship.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Love Southend Youth @ Transformations prayer...Friday 18th January

Please could you encourage your Christian teenagers to come along toTransformations Prayer, the monthly meeting where we seek God together as town-wide church to ask His blessing to transform our town with His glory.

I have cancelled our weekly youth small group which takes place on Friday nights so that we can be at Transformations this month. Would you be prepared to do the same?

This month, Transformations will be led by a group from the Southchurch end ofLove Southend Youth and it would be great if we were to be joined from teenagers from youth groups and churches from Shoebury, Thorpe Bay, Central Southend, Chalkwell, Westcliff, and Leigh.

The meeting will be taking place from 19.30 to 21.30 @ Westcliff Baptist Church (560 London Road, Westcliff). Please come and join us.

For more information just e-mail me back.

God bless,
