Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Radiate Saturday Night Live

Why not bring your mates and youth group to:
Radiate Saturday Night Live
Saturday 8th March, 2008
19:15 - 22:00
Venue: Thundersley Congregational Church, Kiln Road, Thundersley
A monthly youth event for those in school years 5 - 8.
Full of loads of things to do, including girls room and boys room.
Cost: £2.50
For further information please contact Richard Keeler on 01268 754731 or email

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Extreme Hope 08 Southchurch: Get your youth group involved

Dear Church/Youth leader,


I am contacting you with regard to Love Southend Youth’s (LSY) activities in Southchurch over the period of the Easter school holidays (Monday 31st March to Friday 11th April).


The LSY planning team are currently preparing our community work for the holiday period, and we would like to invite you and your youth group to get involved. Working together we can achieve significantly more than if we work on our own.


In the past 3 years Love Southend Youth have held several community-based projects and events in the Southchurch area during school holidays. Some of you may have heard of (or been involved with) projects such as Urban Extreme, Extreme Rebuild, Extreme United and Extreme Tuesdays. Together we have successfully hosted community fun days in local parks, street clean-ups, kids clubs, worship/gospel meetings, a beach party, a tea party for elderly residents, and more.


Our latest project, which is still in the planning stages, is being called “Extreme Hope”, to reflect the work of Hope 08 locally. Events are also being held under the same title in Shoebury.


I would love to see the various denominational groups across Southchurch coming together to bless and serve this area over the school holidays. We all know that our neighbourhood is one of significant social and economic need, and that we, as Jesus’ church on the scene, are called to love our neighbours.


Below is a plan of the events we will be hosting over the Easter Holidays; with more volunteers committed to the cause we would be able to look to arrange events for the second week of the holidays too.             


·        Monday 31st March – Community Fun-day in Bournes Green.

·        Tuesday 1st April – Indoor crafts, games, pampering at Whittingham Methodist.

Outdoor football tournament and other sports at Bournes Green.

·        Wednesday 2nd April – as above.

·        Thursday 3rd April – Community Tea Party in St Edmund’s Community Centre (TBC).

·        Friday 4th April – Work Party and Acts of Kindness in the St Luke’s area.

·        Friday 11th April – Evening event with DJ Squeaky Clean & Resolute @ Plaza Centre.


We currently have a relatively small group of enthusiastic volunteers from a small number of Southchurch-based church and youth groups. We would love to see this group extended and involving other local church and youth groups. Would you and your youth be interested in helping us to serve, bless and love our local residents by joining up for some or all of these events? If so, please contact me (Steve Dalley) on the following:


Land line:     01702 461616 (SCF Plaza Centre – daytime).

Mobile:         07948 271383 (call any time!)

E-mail: (I check this regularly!)


Also, are there areas of your church’s outreach and community work where you are struggling for volunteers? Do you have plans/vision but lack helpers? If so, feel free to get in contact with me and it may be that Love Southend Youth could support you for a period to assist your on-going work in the community.


I would love to hear from you so please get in touch. It would be great just to spend some time getting to know you and finding out what God is doing in your church/youth group at the moment.


God bless.


Steve Dalley,

Love Southend Youth (Southchurch Planning Team)

Southend Christian Fellowship

Friday, February 08, 2008

Tough Talk - Saturday 23rd Feb 2008.

Wakering Awakening are holding an event calledTough Talk on 23rd Feb, 8pm starts. Entry is free and it is particularly aimed for teenagers/young adults.
The venue is The Memorial Hall, Great Wakering.
8pm start.

More info at or call 07906 477146

Tough Talk is a registered charity dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in an informal way that appeals to people who would not normally go to a church meeting.

Tough Talk is made up of a group of men with backgrounds of ex-hard men from the East End of London, ex-bouncers, ex- debt collectors,ex-drug abusers and ex-violent men who, having let God into their lives, have turned their backs on their past. They now feel an urgent need to share their experiences with the hope of helping others. They have found that the message of hope in Jesus Christ reaches people from all backgrounds and age groups.

Powerlifting is the sport that they are all involved in. The team travel throughout the UK, Europe and worldwide performing powerlifting demonstrations as a backdrop to telling their amazing stories. In this way, the Christian faith is presented to people who would not otherwise come into contact with the Word of God.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Join us as we take a LEAP OF FAITH...

Many of you will be familiar with the work of HARP (Homeless Action Resource Project) in Southend. For those of you who dont, please check out

HARP do great work locally in supporting and caring for the homeless in Southend. However, this work can only be carried out by way of Local Government funding and the generous donations made by HARPs supporters. HARP is currently threatened by the imminent prospect of funding cut-backs, combined with a general fall in the amount being given by local residents who support the work of HARP by making donations.

Love Southend Youth are, therefore, taking a small step to raise finances and awareness amongst the public to aid HARP in whatever ways we can.

On 29th February 2008, the eve of the Leap Year, a small group of Love Southend Youth supporters will be sleeping out rough in the car park of the Plaza Centre, Southchurch, to spend just one night the way that many across Southend are forced to spend days, weeks, months and even years.

We will be foregoing our evening meal on the Friday night, and congregating around a large open fire in an old oil drum to keep warm. We will spend the night worshipping the God of the broken, poor, and hopeless and praying for the homeless of Southend.

On the Saturday morning (1st March) we are hoping to hold a fund-raising fry-up where all profits will be given to Harp.


1-      Consider holding a similar event in your church/youth group.
2-      Come and join us for the night in the car-park.
3-      Make a donation to HARP, and encourage others to do the same.
4-      Sacrifice your evening meal on Friday 29th Feb and donate the money you would have spent on food to HARP.
5-      Pray for HARP, that God would release finances and bless those who serve the homeless.
6-      Join us for the fund-raising fry-up (I will confirm this event nearer the time!)

Your support would be much appreciated.

God bless,

Steve Dalley,
Love Southend Youth,
Southend Christian Fellowship.