Thursday, April 26, 2007

Cluny Square Residents Give their thanks to Extremers

We have just received this from Del Thomas:

“I went to the Cluny Residents meeting on Monday as I promised….      

To start off with we were offered a huge appreciation for all we had done. John Barber mentioned the work we had done behind the shops which he said was monumental and an incredibly good effort even if it didn’t last long.  Then one of the of the residents pointed out what an incredible job we had done at St Edmunds Hall in clearing the soil at the back and how polite and hard working we all were. Anne Brooks then spoke after this and explained how we also went to resident's homes and also cleared out her greenhouse and truly appreciative she was of that job and seconded the fact we were all so polite. John then said we had worked incredibly hard and how he thought that the fun day we put on was extremely well organized.  He commented on how many residents came out and joined in, and how impressed he was with the impact we had on the area for those two days.

God bless

Well done guys!


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