Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Greetings to you and your family from my sincere heart.
Presently, I'm in the hospital where I am undergoing treatment for Esophageal Cancer.
I am widow to late Colonel Alexandra Ziako, former deputy defence attach? to Benin consulate in Croatia. My husband was killed by those who were envious of his position in the same office.
Before his death he vowed to use his wealth for the orphanages.Now there is 1.6 Million Dollars my late husband deposited in a bank,
here in Benin.
I have decided to donate this money to an individual, who will utilise it in
fulfilment of the last request of my husband.
Reply now with your full names, phone number, address and occupation.
I will give you more details after consideration.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Katrina Ziako

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